Building Energy Audits

An energy audit is the first step to assess how much energy a building or facility consumes and to ascertain what measures can be taken to improve energy efficiency and lower operating costs. We conduct energy audits for many types of facilities, helping our clients identify the most cost-effective opportunities to improve their operational and energy performance.

Our Energy Audit Service Offerings Include:

  • Conducting effective energy audits that lead to actionable audit reports

  • ASHRAE Level 1, 2, and 3 Energy Audits

    • Preliminary Energy-Use Analysis

    • Level 1 - Walk-Though Analysis

    • Level 2 - Energy Survey and Engineering Analysis

    • Level 3 - Detailed Analysis of Capital-Intensive Modifications

  • Compliance with ASHRAE Standard 211 for Commercial Building Energy Audits

  • Perform LEED O+M rating system energy audits for Energy and Atmosphere credits

  • Cooperation with Hawaii Energy to utilize incentives that help finance energy audit costs